A Dishwasher Emergency
It can easily happen to anyone that has a dishwasher. You have friends visiting, or parents, and they have no idea what type of dish soap goes into your dishwasher. So instead of clean dishes, you get a dishwasher that is spewing out insane amounts of bubbles. You...
Could Backflow Happen To You?
Have you ever experienced backflow in your plumbing system? This is a problem that sometimes happens when there is either a major incident with the water supply, such as a burst water main, or when a very large amount of water is being used for some reason, such as...
A Danger That Lurks Behind Your Washer
Water damage can be very costly, and there are many different reasons why it might happen. Do you know what the most common cause for water damage in homes is? You might not have guessed this, but the answer is washing machine hoses that burst. Repairing water damage...
Taking Care of Your Water Heater
Do you have a water heater in your home? Most likely you do, since having access to warm water is something that most of us take for granted. Have you ever taken the time to make sure that your water heater is in good condition? It might not be the first on your list...
The Damage That Water Can Do
Water damage is something that every homeowner has to worry about. Why is that? Water has an amazing ability to make it into places where it doesn't belong, and when it gets there, the list of problems that it can cause is long and expensive. You might have mold...
How to Install a New Faucet
How do you feel about your bathroom faucet? Does it have issues? Maybe it leaks, or squeaks, or maybe it just looks ugly and dated. While the thought of replacing your faucet might seem a little daunting, it is actually not a very complicated process. Here are the...
An Alternative Way To Clean Your Drain
There are many reasons why you would want to stay away from the common, over the counter drain chemicals. While they might seem like a simple way to clear out a clog, they can do a lot of damage. If you have a septic system, you can kill the bacteria that is helping...
Is A Clog Lurking In Your Pipes?
Having a clogged drain is sometimes an inconvenience, but other times it could even lead to serious damage to your home when a sink floods. There are some telltale signs that you can keep on the lookout for to nip the problem in the bud. If you notice any of the...
How to Change a Showerhead
Is your shower-head leaking? Is it dated and looking ugly? Would you like to have a handheld shower-head instead of an old fashioned one? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you most likely would like to replace your shower-head. Fortunately, doing...
Is Your Faucet Wasting Water?
How much do you know about your bathroom faucet? You might not have installed it yourself, and you might not consider it much if it works fine. Do you know its flow rate, for example? Flow rate is the measurement of how much water the faucet dispenses per minute. If...