Storm Drains

Storm drains are part of many municipalities. Storm drains usually run in the same general vicinity as your homes plumbing, but provide a completely different service. Storm drains are not for sewage but are for stormwater. Stormwater is water from rains and...

Good Water Pressure

Whenever someone calls us and says they have low water pressure, it is something usually very common that causes it. In fact, we can often times figure out what is causing it over the phone with the client. So what are some common causes of low water pressure? There...

Clean Plumbing Services

Looking for clean, neat plumbing services? Contact us here at Florida Plumbing Solutions. We have served Coral Springs, Margate, Boca Raton, and all surrounding areas for many years. We have some of the best plumbing services around!

Galvanized Plumbing Lines

Do you have galvanized plumbing in your home? If you do, then it is like having a water balloon over your head – you know it will burst, you just don’t know when. Galvanized supply lines were very popular for many decades, and have been used in hundreds of...