Your main drainline is where everything goes that is flushed down a sink in your home. Of course, this is a fairly large pipe, carrying a lot of water and waste, but that does not mean that it is impossible for it to get plugged. If your main drainline was to have a clog, you would soon find out with flooding toilets and tubs. It is a situation that would quickly turn into a nightmare.
If sewage was to back up into your home, you might be looking at a long and expensive cleanup.
Your sewage should have an access point for cleaning out your main drain line. Depending on how cold the weather is where you live, you will either find it outside near one of your bathrooms or inside the home. Through this sewer cleanout, you should be able to get a snake through to deal with the clog. Since it most likely will be a large and solid clog that is blocking the water flow through the pipe, it will require a lot of work to remove.

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