Few things are as frustrating as standing in the shower and seeing the water level in your shower rise due to a slow moving drain. While there are many different reasons why this might be happening, a very common problem is accumulation of hair and soap scum inside the drain. While some might be quick to pull out a bottle of drain cleaner, a less damaging method is to remove the drain cover and pull out whatever might be plugging the drain.

Depending on the design of your drain cover, there are different methods for removing it. It might be worth looking up your type of drain to make sure you don’t damage it while removing it. The easiest type to figure out how to remove are those held in place with a screw. All you need to do is unscrew it and clean out the drain. Others might be removed using pliers or just your bare hands.

If it is not enough to clean out what you can access with the cover removed, there are some tools that you can get that will let you get to stubborn clogs that are further down the line, or you could simply use a plunger to see if removing the hair in the opening of the pipe will let things move.