Is the water in your home too hot? Is it not hot enough? Either of those problems might be because of a setting on your water heater. Where you will find this setting will depend on the type of water heater you have. If it is gas powered, you should be able to find a know that lets you adjust the temperature. On an electric water heater, there are usually 2 thermostats, one upper and one lower. These need to be set for slightly different temperatures. The top one should be set for a higher temperature by a few degrees. These thermostats might be underneath panels, but before you do any work on an electrical water heater, you need to make sure that power to it is disconnected to prevent injury. If you want to save money, setting the temperature at 120 degrees or even lower is a wise choice. Don’t make any large adjustments. It is always better to adjust the temperature in small stages to see if it is a good setting for your family.

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