When it comes to bathrooms, there is probably one issue that is more divisive than anything else, and that is the direction that the toilet paper roll is mounted. While this might seem like a minor issue, there are some very strong feelings on both sides of the argument. What side are you on?
The majority of people prefer to have it rolling over the top and some will get very annoyed if they find that the roll is inserted the wrong way. Many will also switch the roll over when they notice that it is installed in what they view as the wrong way.
While there isn’t truly a proven hygienic or practical reasoning behind the choices that people make, there are some solutions to those that live in households where this situation causes friction. There are some toilet paper holders that are reversible that will allow the user to set the roll up to their liking easily. There is also the option of a toilet paper holder that has the roll mounted vertically, but this might just leave everyone irritated.

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