While we know that we shouldn’t be using our cellphones in the bathroom, it’s very common to do. If you are in this demographic, you might have had the unfortunate experience of dropping your phone in the toilet. You’re probably aware that the one of the worst things for electronics is water, so if it happens to you, the clock starts ticking as soon as the phone hits the water.
Even though many phones are built to be somewhat water resistant, they can’t take an extended time below the surface. If you decide to pick the phone up with your bare hands, make sure you don’t have any cuts that could get infected. Clean off your hands well, but for your phone it’s usually better to use alcohol to clean it off to avoid adding to the problem.
Don’t try to turn on your phone, in fact, if it is possible to remove the battery, you should do so. The best way to dry your phone out is to put it in a sealed bag of uncooked rice. This can extract any water that ended up inside your phone, but you should leave it in there for a full day to give it enough time to be effective.
Of course, all this trouble could be avoided if you decide to make bathroom time no phone time.

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