You might be aware of the two major factors leading to clogging in your shower pipes. Usually, the clogs that are dug out of residential pipes consist of soap and hair. This can lead to very stubborn pipes that require a lot of work to dislodge.
As a homeowner, you might want to take some steps to ensure that these clogs won’t even begin to be formed. The solution for this is simple, minimize the amount of hair and soap that goes down the drain. Your first step should be to get a drain screen to prevent as much as possible from slipping down the drain. This alone might completely stop clogs from forming, but if you want to take some extra steps to prevent clogs, there are a couple more things you could do.
Since hair is a major culprit in clog creation, it is a good routine for anyone with long hair to brush it thoroughly before the shower. This will remove loose hair and leave much less to go down the drain.
Keeping soap in a place where it isn’t likely to leak into the tub is another good method for prevention.
Clogs in your shower drain can make it a pain to take showers, so follow these steps to minimize the risk of creating a foot-bath in your tub.

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