If you need to clean your shower drain well, you might run into the problem that there is a drain cover that doesn’t seem to be easy to remove. To keep your shower draining well, you will most likely need to do some deep cleaning every now and then since soap and hair can build up very quickly in your pipes.
If you have a hard time removing your shower drain cover, we assume it’s not one that simply has a screw right in the middle of it. Since there are a handful of different types out there, your best bet is to search by the picture on the internet. The most common types are lift-and-turn, push/pull, pop-up, toe-touch, flip-it, and screw-in.
Some of these are connected to the lever in your tub, so removal could get a little tricky.
If you can’t find a screw easily, there might be one underneath the top cover.
If you are feeling uncertain about how to get the shower drain cover removed, don’t hesitate to call your plumber for a full cleaning of your shower drain.

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