Does your faucet have a white, crusty buildup on it? It is a common problem in areas with hard water, and it can prove very difficult to remove, and it makes for a very unsightly bathroom.
The buildup is from calcium, and depending on the level of this mineral in your water, the buildup can form fairly quickly.
To prevent this from being a problem, your best solution is to install a water softening system, but this can be costly. If you decide on trying to deal with the symptoms instead of the cause, it is possible to clean off the buildup, and the more regular you are with your cleanings, the less work will be required to take care of the problem.
Soaking the affected faucet using rags and white vinegar, you will loosen up the calcium. After you have left it sitting for a long period of time, you will be able to clean off the buildup fairly easily.

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