One of the reasons why the Coronavirus has been so difficult to deal with is that it is brand new. There is very little conclusive data on how it spreads, how long it lives, and effective ways of dealing with it. This is why there are conflicting instructions coming out at times. One example of directions that have changed over time is that on face covering. Initially, we were told by the CDC to avoid wearing facemasks since they were sorely needed in the healthcare industry, and for the fact that wearing a facemask could lead to touching your face to constantly adjust it, and in that way contaminating yourself, but recently they have updated those guidelines and recommend that everyone should wear a face-covering in public when they can’t distance themselves from people easily.
You should still not use the N95 surgical masks since these are needed for those in the medical profession, but there are many videos available on the internet on how to make your own mask, with or without sewing skills.

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