If you have a sump pump in your basement, that thing has probably saved you from many disasters. But, are you taking good care of it? Did you know that it is recommended that you clean your sump pump at least once a year? This will prevent buildup and possible failures in the future, and no one wants to deal with a failed sump pump. It is possible to get help from a professional to take care of this, but if you are feeling like some DIY, it is not overly complicated. It is important to be safe and disconnect the sump pump first, both from power and the pipes.

This job is best done outside your home. You should drain the pump well and then remove any caked debris from the pump. This is where the tricky part comes. There are probably parts to your pump that can be disassembled, such as the check valve. If this is the case, carefully take it apart and rinse it out well. Just make sure you keep track of the steps so you can reassemble it. Once everything is thoroughly cleaned and dried out, you can reattach the pump to the pipe and power and it will be good for another year.