Do you like to clean? Most people probably don’t, but right now, cleaning could be what prevents you from getting sick. Let’s take an imaginary trip to the store where you touch the keypad on the credit card machine that was used by the person in front of you. You don’t realize that he has been infected by COVID-19, because he is not showing any symptoms yet, but he touched his nose before he used the credit card machine, and now the virus is on your hands. You are careful not to touch your eyes and nose because you know that this is how you could get infected, and when you get home, you go straight for the bathroom to wash your hands. You turn on the light, wash your hands well, wipe them off and then turn the light back off again. Now it’s safe to scratch that itch on your nose that has been bothering you since you were at the store. Well, not really. When you turned the light off, you reintroduced the virus to your hands. As you can see, cleaning these frequently touched surfaces is vital to keep yourself and your family healthy.

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