So, you want to install a bathroom in your basement? A lot of homeowners like to make use of that extra space in their basement, but installing a bathroom might not be as straightforward as you might think. The problem is that you most likely will find yourself below the level of the sewage pipes or your septic tank. Everyone knows that water won’t flow uphill, so what can you do to fix this? Carry it upstairs in buckets? No, the best solution is to get a sewage ejector pump.
A standard installation will require that a sewage pit is dug out and then the sewage pump is installed to pump it up to the level where it can leave the house. The pump itself is similar in many ways to a sump pump, but unlike a sump pump, it is made to handle solids.
When deciding what sewage pump to get, remember that replacing a sewage pump is going to be a dirty, smelly, and inconvenient job, so the higher quality you get, the less likely you are to ever have to deal with it again.

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