How attached are you to your phone? For some people, being separated from their cellphone for more than a few minutes seems like torture, and in society as a whole, there is an unhealthy attachment to these devices. This strange phenomenon has only existed for a couple of decades, but it is getting worse.
So, should the bathroom be a no-phone zone? As we mentioned in an earlier blog, you can do quite a bit of damage to your phone by dropping it in the toilet by mistake, but there are other things to take into consideration as well.
First, the germs. The bathroom is full of sources of contamination, and your phone could carry bacteria on it that you then will bring out when you leave the bathroom unless you are in the habit of disinfecting your phone every time you’ve been in the bathroom.
Second, using your phone, just like reading, will cause you to sit for a longer time than necessary on the toilet. This can cause several different health problems that can prove quite painful to deal with.
Make your bathroom break a break from the digital world as well. You will be happy you did.

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