Is your tub leaking? There are many different types of leaks that you could be faced with when it comes to your tub. It could be leaking from the drain, through cracks in the grout or caulk, or from the faucet. No matter where the leak comes from, it is important to take care of it as soon as possible, since leaks in the bathroom are one of the major causes of mold growth in homes.
Drain leaks are tricky because they can go unnoticed for a long time, especially in certain types of tubs where there is no way to visually inspect the drain. The danger here is that you could have serious damage before the leak is noticed.
Faucet leaks are fairly obvious since you will see the water coming out, and it’s not usually a big problem since the water will collect in the tub. Of course, you will be wasting a lot of water, so you might want to consider having the faucet replaced.
Leaks through the cracks in the grout and caulk should be fixed quickly since they too have a risk of leading to mold. Usually, the best method to fix them is to remove the cracked grout or caulk completely and then replacing it.

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