Having a guest bathroom in your home can be a great convenience for visitors and friends staying over, but for some, this bathroom could easily be neglected. This could mean that a visitor won’t be very happy about using this bathroom. Here are a few things that you can put on a checklist to look over before your visitors come over.
First, remember that just because no one uses the towel in the guestroom doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be replaced regularly. Dust will build up on it, which will definitely be discouraging a visitor from using it.
Make sure that there is a stock of toilet paper available. Nothing is worse than being stuck in someone else’s bathroom with no access to toilet paper.
As a kindness to your visitors, you can also provide some essential toiletries for their use. Buying some cheap single-use razors, toothbrushes, and other items to stock your guest bathroom cabinet can go a long way toward making the experience more enjoyable for a visitor.

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